Forex EA Software Reviews — Which Review Can You Trust?

Ideally a good Forex EA software review should give you an objective view. The very best reviews are those by people who have actually tested the Forex robot and can show you the results of their testing.

Here are some of the things to look for in a Forex EA software review:

Actual proof that the software has been used — you need to see that the reviewer has actually used the software rather than just talking about using the software or what the potential results might be. Any inexperienced person sitting at a computer keyboard can give their opinion about a product that they have never tried. Such information is completely useless to Forex traders.

Cons as well as pros — Forex EA software reviews without actually testing our as we stated before are really just opinions. These opinions could be more valid if the reviewer is actually a trader as well. Someone who does not trade Forex really isn’t qualified to write a review of a Forex trading system. For instance, a reviewer who trades Forex would probably never praise a Forex robot that makes outlandish claims. You may have seen some of the many Forex EA software reviews that claim the Forex robot has 100% winning trades. Rest assured that anyone who sings the praises of such a bogus product has no idea what they’re talking about.

For a Forex EA software review to be of any benefit to any of us it must point out the shortcomings of the Forex robot as well as its good points. It is probably safe to assume that all Forex robots will have shortcomings as there is no such thing as a perfect Forex trading system. Simply remember to carefully evaluate any reviews and avoid those where the reviewer is obviously biased.