Forex EA Software Reviews — Which Review Can You Trust?

Ideally a good Forex EA software review should give you an objective view. The very best reviews are those by people who have actually tested the Forex robot and can show you the results of their testing.

Here are some of the things to look for in a Forex EA software review:

Actual proof that the software has been used — you need to see that the reviewer has actually used the software rather than just talking about using the software or what the potential results might be. Any inexperienced person sitting at a computer keyboard can give their opinion about a product that they have never tried. Such information is completely useless to Forex traders.

Cons as well as pros — Forex EA software reviews without actually testing our as we stated before are really just opinions. These opinions could be more valid if the reviewer is actually a trader as well. Someone who does not trade Forex really isn’t qualified to write a review of a Forex trading system. For instance, a reviewer who trades Forex would probably never praise a Forex robot that makes outlandish claims. You may have seen some of the many Forex EA software reviews that claim the Forex robot has 100% winning trades. Rest assured that anyone who sings the praises of such a bogus product has no idea what they’re talking about.

For a Forex EA software review to be of any benefit to any of us it must point out the shortcomings of the Forex robot as well as its good points. It is probably safe to assume that all Forex robots will have shortcomings as there is no such thing as a perfect Forex trading system. Simply remember to carefully evaluate any reviews and avoid those where the reviewer is obviously biased.

How to Find the Best Reviews for the Forex Market

These days finding the best reviews for the Forex market may seem easy on the surface. A beginning trader may think it’s as easy as searching for Forex software reviews using the Google search engine.

Searching on the Internet is definitely a great way to find a good number of Forex robot reviews. The challenge comes in finding reviews that are objective and that you can actually trust. This is more challenging than ever because the vast majority of Forex reviews are biased. What do I mean by this? This means that the reviews are actually written with the specific intention of getting you to buy the particular Forex product that is being reviewed. The person or persons who have written a review are compensated by the product vendor when you buy the product through the Forex reviewer’s website link. The fact that most reviewers are compensated is the reason that you see so many Forex robot and Forex expert advisor reviews available on the Internet today.

So what can we do to find objective reviews? Here are a few tips that will help us locate Forex software reviews which may actually be useful to us.

The title of the review contains the word “scam” — if the title of the review contains the word scam that is very likely that the review is absolutely useless to you. The reason for this is that the vast majority of those reviews with “scam” in the title actually don’t have one single negative thing to say about the product in question. The word “scam” is simply an advertising device used to get your attention. Quite naturally, we all want to avoid falling victim to a scam, so naturally anything with the word scam in it will grab our attention. What you will often find is that these types are reviews attract the attention of many beginning Forex traders and are most always biased in favor of the product being reviewed.

Don’t place too much importance on the testimonials — I believe it was Robert Strakkenn of who said, “ignore the testimonials” when referencing Forex software reviews. Mr. Strakkenn’s statement was based on his own personal research. He found a great number of Forex software testimonials simply didn’t contain any information that would help you evaluate how good a Forex robot was. He even discovered that some of the testimonials were complete fabrications.

Has the reviewer ever traded Forex — most Forex product reviewers have never traded Forex. They are marketers and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a marketer it is best that you receive a Forex review from someone who actually trades Forex.

Has the reviewer used the product — I’m not going out on a limb by saying that most of the reviewers have never used the product. In their reviews you may find that they list the reasons why this feature or that feature makes the product superior to other products, but that really doesn’t give you very much to go on.

The best reviews for the Forex market are written by people who trade Forex and have actually used the product in question. When you find a reviewer that provides concrete results in terms of profit and other important criteria, you’re reading a review that will be of much better use to you than most.